I promised them, and I almost never break a promise made on my blog. Here they are: Cute pictures of our new puppy, Junior.

Junior & Casey

Bored of this photoshoot… I’m out!
So, a bit about our new German boxer puppy:
- We got him at 8 weeks old
- He came from a litter of 7
- He’s got 4 paws
- He has 1 natural tail (not docked) and 2 natural ears [and we like him that way! In Germany, they don’t dock ’em anymore… I won’t start a debate, because really it’s the internet]
- He is 100x easier than Casey was to deal with, in the 24 hours we’ve had him
- We’ve known him since he was born, 2 months ago
The strangest thing that happened when we brought him home was that Jane (our 12 year old fluff of a cat) came to greet him. Jane has been turning a strange new leaf lately where she started letting me hold her after three years (we’re now at four), and she kissed our maniac lab Casey yesterday on the nose.
So yeah we have some animals.
More pictures are sure to come.