Dragonfly Cannibalism

I’ve posted about this before, but I just felt like bringing it up again. This happened a few years ago at my family’s cottage: The guy on the bottom is the living dragonfly. This unlucky specimen is the head of the guy on top, whose mouth continued to move the whole time. Yet another thing I had never known could happen (both the cannibalism and the disembodied head moving for an hour or two afterward), discovered up north. Have you ever seen something like this? … Continue reading

Classical Music and Dogs: A Halfway Surprising Experiment

Classical music time is coma time for the dogs. It would be for me too, except that puppy resting means I can get things done. I am also about 2% more peaceful for listening to it, inclined to spin like a ballerina as I tidy the neighbour’s wayward bags of dog poo from our lawn, if I’m not keeping an eye on myself. Don’t credit me for this magical discovery, however. The suggestion to subject them (and myself) to classical was made to me by … Continue reading

Cat or Magpie? — Our Mixi, the Cat Burglar

Miklos was out for a bike ride in the woods when he happened upon two men playing with a little tortoiseshell kitten. They jokingly asked him, “You want a cat?” They didn’t know who they were dealing with obviously, because Miklos, being the kind-hearted guy he always has been, didn’t think it would be fair to leave a kitten in the woods just before a big thunderstorm. Sure enough, that cat came into our lives and was named Mixi. Soon, I would find kitty jingle … Continue reading

Pumpkin for Dog Tummy Rumbling

We’ve been walking Junior and Casey together for a week or so now that he got his second shots. Junior’s loud tummy growling problem began just after we saw the vet so when we walked the dogs to the pet food store, we mentioned it to the girl working. She mentioned feeding him a bit of pumpkin with his dinner as it’s supposed to settle an upset puppy stomach. I had read that a few times as well, so we decided to try it. The stuff … Continue reading

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