New Puppy

Hello folks. I know I’ve been neglecting you something fierce lately. I’m sorry! I love you!

Yesterday was a big day. Casey turned 2; it was Valentine’s Day, so I got some beautiful flowers and to spend a wonderful day with a Miklos; and last but not least, we got a new puppy.

Originally, we hadn’t planned on getting another dog until Casey kicks it years from now, which to us meant never again, because she is going to live to be 200, so we’ll be long-dead by the time she’s gone.


While taking pictures, I bonded with a female puppy I met. Then we read up more on adding a second female dog to the house, and decided we wanted a boy. We then began to connect with a male puppy who did not yet have a home reserved for him. It turns out he’s calmer and sweeter than the first one was, and we don’t worry the other won’t find a home since everyone who sees her loves her.

This has been a month in the making, and it wasn’t a Valentine’s Day impulse-adoption by any means, just in case anyone’s wondering.  Miklos and I did a lot of research (probably reading the same sites several times over) to reassure ourselves that Casey would be OK with the new pup.

And thankfully, so far so good.  She growls a bit if the puppy tries to take something from her when she doesn’t feel like playing along, and while we allow a quick growl, we stop anything that begins to escalate (though really, that hasn’t been much).

So now we have 3 cats and 2 dogs. It’s beginning to look like this in our house:

"ace ventura pet detective" animals in apartment

But only in my exaggerated imagination, and maybe yours.  We don’t have an enormous house by any means, but we have a minimalist-enough layout and a good cleaning routine (thanks to Casey and Rico’s shedding) that it’s not cramped. The cats pretty much keep to themselves, except at night of course.

We have a comfy home with the company of good pets. I wish I had a picture to follow, with all of them lined up, but that will never happen.

That said, NO MORE ANIMALS. Maybe a baby one day, but only because Miklos would be a pretty cool dad to offset my pretty mean mom potential.

I’m not implying that this new puppy is bad. He seems far easier to deal with than Casey was, actually. Having her around to mother him helps a lot as well. We’re already crazy about him, and he fits in nicely.

I’ll add some pictures later on today. That is a solid reason to come back. PUPPY PICTURES!

How many pets do you have? Tell me in the comments.

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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