Nothing to see here.

The good stuff isn’t here. It’s in a book that I still haven’t finished which I started writing in, say, 6 years ago. It has all sorts of tidbits. But I think I should start a fresh one because I feel like I’m bound to go somewhere really good with my life now.

Yes, this is the gayest post I’ve written yet. And it’ll just get gayer, folks. But it’ll never be as gay as what you’d read in the book I haven’t started writing in yet.

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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