There’s this weird feeling in my stomach today. 22 years ago this day, my good friend Ellie was born. She became one of the most sensible yet most adorably fun people I have ever been lucky enough to meet. I was always in awe of her positive outlook on everything. Even when we didn’t agree, which was rare, I always understood where she was coming from. She had about a billion friends because she was such an easy person to get to know and love. I can’t think of a moment we wasted not living the hell out of our friendship, and that part makes me happy.
Earlier this year, as you probably know if you’ve been reading far back enough, she was taken away from all of us in a horrible accident. It shook and shattered me, as I’m sure it did for just about everyone who knew this beautiful girl, so full of life and spirit and sense and fun.
Today, on your birthday (as with every day, which is not an exaggeration) I miss you and think of our time together, Ellie. You gave me hope, inspired me to be a better person, and taught me that yes, there are funny, intelligent girls out there with ridiculously good taste in music. Thanks for coming along and showing me a thing or two. If you were here tonight, you know that I’d be demanding again that you go ask the barkeep for a glass full of water and birthday lemons.
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