I’m having a lot of problems with my phone lately, and to be honest, I don’t like paying a system access fee for no reason (of course, there are SAF-free plans now with Telus, but they cost about the same as/more than it would to stay on my plan with the SAF). So, here, along with some evidence from another cell phone representative (and friend) to whom I’ve spoken personally about this, is proof that you can cancel your bill without that pesky minimum $20/each month left in contract fee people warn you about.
- How to get out of a cellular service contract
(Note: I don’t advise joining the army, as this article suggests, but I do find it funny.) - Possible Telus ‘out’ coming up on April 11, 2010
I’ll have to speak to my representative about this one and see if it’s viable.
As for me, I think I’ll try anything I can (minus the army) to get out of mine. Worth a shot.