Animal Update

It was Rico’s estimated birthday a few short days ago. That’s right. My cat is 9 years old. This cat has been with me through thick and thin, so I decided to make a toy out of a TP roll for him, which Junior later ate.

cat playing while puppies watch

Don’t mind the mess. This is for the children!

Mixi had to go to the vet last week after we began to notice her itching and licking her fur like crazy and developing scabs which turned into sores. A few shots later and she’s doing well, though she still has some scabbing that needs to go away.

cat on a bed, naturally.

A rare shot of a Mixicat.

She was allergic to something — my best guess would be the new food we got them, which is strange because those haughty ladies on the Blue Buffalo commercial are so insistent that all other bags of food are kibble-shaped garbage.

cat in a hamper, as you do.

Mixi, hampering it up.

We went back to the original Sensitive Stomach kind of Blue we had been feeding them before (but which two pet food places insisted they had never heard of when we didn’t make the drive to PetSmart). Blue Buffalo Taste of the Wild is the stuff that I think Mixi was having her reaction to.

The dogs are the dogs. Junior was neutered earlier this month. We had hoped that would keep him from humping Casey every 6 seconds, but apparently not. After Casey returned from her 2 week long vacation up north with my family, she was mounted by Junior when I looked away for a brief moment to check out a neighbour’s bonfire. She proceeded to not pee for 15 hours. (Mental.)

dog train

One of those dog trains… Casey is the caboose this time.

Jane… well, she’s somewhere around here. I took a picture of her some time around Christmas. Here it is.

fluffy grey cat

Jane is fluffy.

So that’s all the animals. They’re hardly ever around all at the same time so no, we don’t really go nuts. We just have to Swiffer and vacuum a whole lot.

How about you? What are your animals up to lately?

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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  1. What is with animals and TP rolls?!! LOL! My pups go crazy for them… like they are the best thing in the whole world. It’s priceless. πŸ™‚
    Erica recently posted…DIY: Crochet Daisy Chain NecklaceMy Profile

    • So true. Yet you buy a cat a toy and half the time they’ll barely look at it. Dogs are a bit easier to please, haha. Junior steals the rolls constantly if we leave them in the washroom. He is also the reason TP can’t be left on the roller. πŸ˜›

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