I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by.
[Side note: There is an undeniable correlation between how old a person is and how often they say that.]
Lessons learned so far this summer:
- Whenever I want to water the lawn, I remember it’s supposed to rain that night. It usually does not end up raining, but I’ve saved us some money.
- Bird feeders attract much more than just birds.
- People still love old lenses for SLR cameras from the ’70s.
- We need to move out of our neighbourhood before I get stabbed while gardening.
- Grass will never grow the way you want it to.
- While one dog is afraid of the hand vac, the other dog enjoys being vacuumed by it.
- There are significantly less pictures on this blog while I am using Miklos’s laptop instead of my dead one.
So yeah it’s been a productive month.
How’s yours going?