In our little lake-surrounded alcove of Ontario, September through June seems to be perpetual cold, flu and allergy season. At least once a year the young son and I each ice the health cake with some sinus infections. (July and early August are typically fantastic though!)

This year I decided after much recommendation to try turmeric lattes to soothe my sore throats. Turmeric lattes are sometimes referred to as golden milk. After constantly forgetting to buy the dry spice forever, one day I noticed a giant packet of the stuff while grocery shopping and actually managed to purchase it. You can stock your home up with some turmeric without having to leave the house here (affiliate link).
You’ll need just a few items, most of which you may have in your kitchen already:
- Milk
- Turmeric (dry or fresh)
- Ginger (dry or fresh)
- Black pepper
- Honey to taste (optional)
I use this recipe, and I try to remember (and usually forget) to add honey at the end as recommended to sweeten it a little. I enjoy it either way, the flavour is just heightened if you do add some.

Honey talks
It wouldn’t be very ‘blogger’ of me if I didn’t take this opportunity to
bragmention that by sheer luck our honey is hyperlocal (oooh, buzzword! Get it…? ‘Cause bees!), sourced from the guy across the street from us with the bees whose honey reigns supreme over all honeys. They pollinate our garden and our cherry trees every year. There’s something comforting about the hum of hundreds of busy honeybees, even to someone who’s been stung by about 50 things with stings over her lifetime. They leave you alone if you leave them alone. The ones stinging me are usually yellowjackets anyway.Before we lucked out into having a beekeeping neighbour, we bought some great honey from our local market and still do if our neighbour runs out. Honey from the grocery store is okay for sweetening too, but be sure to read your labels.
Oh right, what were we talking about? Turmeric lattes, yes.

Not only are they great for sore throats but turmeric has a wealth of other health benefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties help ease the pain of my early-onset varicose veins (the epic tale of which I’ll discuss in a later post). I won’t go into all of the health stuff though. The post with the latte recipe does a great job of it!
Another thing turmeric does incredibly well is stain things. So be careful; consider wearing an apron (I do!) and rinse well before you brush your teeth after having one of these or you’ll soon be buying a new toothbrush.

Are you or someone you care for dealing with a sore throat? Gather up some milk, turmeric, ginger, pepper and (optionally) honey, and give golden milk a try. Feel free to Pin this post for later, and please let me know what you think in the comments!

This is so similar to the famous golden milk recipe, the only exception in the addition of ginger and black pepper.
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