You ever look at a play-on-words so many times that the real word looks downright out of place the next time you see it? (Probably not.) Tonight, reading Vonnegut’s introduction to Bagombo Snuff Box, I came across the word “comatose”. Just looks weird to me now.
The drive-in is fun. It is one of few situations where a station wagon dominates a much sexier car. Any car you can lie down in the back of on a pile of blankets and pillows to watch three movies with the hatch left up (provided there is perfect weather, as there was last night) gets my vote. The drive-in does have its many limitations, but it is nearly always a very good time, except if you have to go to the bathroom.
Missed a day of fun today because the movies ran very late and I was tired and out of my head and remain so to this moment. Not tired enough to sleep, however, as I napped for a good length of time today.
Go read a book. There’s nothing productive here.