Last night we (forgot our cameras, ugh!) and drove head-on into the enormous storm that hit Niagara. The humidex during the day had been around 41 as predicted, and whatever collided with that muggy air did not impress it. At first, it was a brilliant light show over Lake Ontario. Next thing we knew, that lightning, thunder, and now pools of rain were right on top of us as we parked in Niagara-on-the-Lake to watch it. I don’t think I’ve been in all truth scared of something in a long time, but when lightning whited out my peripheral vision and Miklos said “Did you see that?! It touched down like 20 feet away from the car,” I was all too happy to suggest we get the hell out of there.
Back at home, Lauren texted me and told me that the strong winds coming through our open window had blown everything off our dining room table. After driving blindly through a lot of the rain with the car’s wipers on full-speed, we let the remainder of the storm die down at one of the canal locks. Spectacular night viewing courtesy of crotchety old Mother Nature.
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