El Politico

It seems recently that the Liberal Press Secretary’s Twitter account and I have been at odds every couple of weeks.

First was my annoyance that gastric bypass surgery is OHIP covered (which, I agree, is a very necessary procedure) yet basic dental is not, for most people.  I mentioned Dalton McGuinty in my tweet, so naturally, @LibPressSec, not @Dalton_McGuinty,  then replied to tell me about Healthy Smiles, a program whereby children 17 and under are covered for basic dental in specific institutions, as long as they fall under specific requirements.

I was aware of the program, and I do think it’s a step up from what we’ve had in prior years, however there remains no coverage for someone say, 25, single parent status without employment benefits who still would hope to have her teeth in 20 years, nor someone 50 years old who was laid off from his job and thus without employment benefits.  Regular professional cleanings are integral to good oral health no matter the person’s age, and it is becoming common knowledge by now that poor oral health can lead to more complicated health problems over all.  Anyway, I suggested this in a second tweet, and @LibPressSec, not @Dalton_McGuinty of course, then replied with:

@commatose Here are the eligibility requirements for Health Smiles: bit.ly/tUjxy2 Don’t know of specific situation – tough to advise.”  Well, thanks.

Keep in mind our taxes are sky-high and I went to Hungary (not generally a so-called ‘First World’ country) a year and a half ago and probably could have gotten a tooth pulled for free if I had needed it while I was there.

Today, I read a story about the proposed 30% tuition cut in Ontario.  Great idea! one would say, until he read about all the loopholes and further disappointments.  There are, again, many requirements one must fall under to receive this tuition “cut”, which is really just a grant to compensate for the 30%… sure, I’d take it (paid from Ontario directly to the school to compensate for fees)!  Then again, I’m not an undergrad, so I wouldn’t receive it.  I’ve also been out of high school for more than four (4) years.  And if someone were to want to study at a ‘professional school’ the grant isn’t available to them either.  Oh, and 30% isn’t the real figure, as many arts programs have tuition fees much higher than what is calculated to be the flat 30% grant ($1600 for university, $730 for college).  So anyway, blah blah blah, I went on about this on Twitter, mentioning of course @Dalton_McGuinty and the word “loopholes”.  I (and I guess InFuzeMagazine) was responded to by @LibPressSec (not you know who), with:

@commatose @DamCampo @InFuzeMagazine stay tune – looking forward to helping families, reducing average undergraduate tuition by 30%.
Thanks again.  Why is the Liberal Provincial government just one retarded circle of optimism and empty promises that benefit almost nobody?  I’m not suggesting there’s a better alternative when it comes to voting in this country, because I find terminal flaws in all represented parties eligible to run government, but … really? Come on.  Something tells me better things could be done by a gorilla in a Papa Smurf costume with a sign on his neck reading “I AM NOT DALTON MCGUINTY”.
I’d vote for that.

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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  1. Very nice article and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is actually the best place to ask but do you people have any thoughts on where to hire some professional writers? Thx 🙂

  2. Me. That is the only suggestion I can give. Haha. Thanks.

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