Make a sturdy beach bag for cheap!

Make a small IKEA rug into a beach bag

Hi again. Not sure about where you are but here in Niagara, it’s been hot! I know that because my makeup is sliding off my face and our young son is a grump without a popsicle in hand. This week may have been the first time we’ve gone to the beach together and done more than dip our feet in the water. The kid really enjoyed ‘swimming’ (AKA lying on his tummy and splashing like mad) and I got to cool off too. Win! AND … Continue reading

Been a month! Time to blog.

So, life is busy. For now, the DIYs are cut back because there is rarely a moment where I get time to open my laptop, let alone process pictures or post anything other than a Facebook status. (That stuff is usually done on my phone anyway.) However! When I do get some time, I will have a few goodies. Rit Dye is sending me some dye and fixative, which was a cool surprise via Twitter. So it’s almost time to dye (again)! So that’s one … Continue reading

How life has changed!

Oh hey, I became a mom. Our son was born weighing 8lbs, 3oz and measuring 21″ long. He is the most precious little monkey I have ever seen. We love him more than we ever knew was possible. I’ll add a picture of the little guy to this post when I am on the computer again. And I’ll update my header image one day when I’m not mobile-blogging, by the way. For now, please be patient while I mom around for a while, and read … Continue reading


It turned out of course as many know by now that the body found up north from my last post was that of Shana Carter, missing since December 2010 from her Grimsby residence.  Everything about this story is a little too close to home, geographically, for me.  It’s scary for us smaller-town people to realize this stuff happens outside of the bigger cities.  It’s equally scary to think that we drove past and looked into that little nook of the woods a hundred times over … Continue reading

Oliver’s 7th Life

Hoping all day long that our beautiful Oliver is doing well after his first aid yesterday.  Poor freaking cat.  I’ve lost track of how many times he’s hurt himself over the years.  He seems to be eating and acting normally, so despite the nastiness of his latest injury, I have a good amount of hope for him.  We’ll visit tomorrow and have an update. Share the post “Oliver’s 7th Life” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

When what to my wondering eyes should appear…

… but the ugliest little bug I ever did see(…r).  Or so I thought. I spent a good 5-10 minutes trying to get the sharpest shot in the low light just before dusk of this critter I nearly sat on in the back yard.  I had my mouth clenched tight in case it tried to jump.  At one point, it seemed it did, but… It turns out it must have fallen and landed perfectly on its ‘feet’ again, because what I was picturizing (as we … Continue reading

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