I have a few seconds to blog that I’ll never get back again if I don’t take advantage, so here are some pictures of our (very hairy) newborn boy! Meet John.

First picture. It was love at gooey first sight. Not shown: Goo.

One of the few pictures of me and Johnny. HINT, MIKLOS.

“I love burping.”

Everyone loves Junior. Except his Mom & Dad sometimes.

Daddy & John

John meets Nana. Everyone loves Nana, and John is no exception.
Go ahead and tell me that heartburn and hairy-born babies is just a wives’ tale. I’m not inclined to believe you, as I may have the hairiest kid on the planet (since my own birth short years ago) and I complained more ofĀ heartburn than has any pregnant woman ever known.
Somehow, he has darker skin than his ghost-pale parents and a beautifully thick andĀ dark mane as mentioned previously. I wish I had a baby picture of myself; maybe I’ll bother some family membersĀ to find oneĀ for the posting. He looks very similar to how I did before shunning sunlight for 25 years.
I love this kid. I think I’ll keep him.
Congratulations Nik, he is adorable š It’s amazing how time flies. Once in a blue moon I’ll venture onto this blog, somehow, haha. (This is Porcelain from SC days), so nice to see it’s updated.
I remember we were pregnant at the same time last year, however I miscarried, unfortunately. Just to update you.
Thanks Claire! I always remember you, you’re the only Claire I know. š
Had to edit because I didn’t see your full comment when I approved it. I am so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. How heartbreaking. š I hope you and your husband are doing OK.
Thank you for stopping by again. It’s always nice to hear from you.