Quickly stop pain from bee stings & bug bites

Hi again, everyone! I hope that you and those close to you (physically or not) have been healthy and safe these past months. I’m not posting here much these days but I thought this was a pretty helpful tip and I wanted to share it as it’s just about that time of year again. Our part of the province moved into Stage 3 of reopening this past Friday, which allows children to play on playgrounds once again. Our son was sort of hesitant to play … Continue reading

Happy Hearts Day!

What a sunshiny day! We haven’t had too many of these so far this year. We spent some time in the yard this morning with the melting snow, and we headed over to check on any new developments that may have arisen on the kid’s “stage”. It’s a sort of gazebo built by the previous lady who lived here. It’s empty now because it’s winter but usually it has a space to sit and eat. It would actually make a nice place to play some … Continue reading

Turning 2!

Birthday cake time!

Happy birthday, Coolguy! This kid is our light. He’s made everything better and given us 1) a whole new perspective on life; 2) the realization that sleep deprivation is a powerful torture mechanism; and 3) filled our (previously grey & withered) hearts with love. Anyway I’ll hush up now. I just like this guy a bunch and can’t believe it’s been two years since my bladder worked properly. Love you, kid! Share the post “Turning 2!” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

John’s 1st birthday party!

Smash cake in waiting.

It’s been [almost!] a whole year since John became the center of our world. It really did fly by, considering the long and agonizing nights, as well as the routines we had to establish to avoid said nights. What a year. I’m convinced we lucked out in the baby department — aside from how terrible I was at adapting to lack of sleep. In two days, this guy turns a whole year old. We made it! It feels that way, anyhow, even though I know … Continue reading

One year ago today, my life changed.

John at 20 weeks old

Last August 19th, I found out my life was changing forever. I sat in disbelief, spouting happy obscenities to myself as I stared at a plus sign. From behind a closed door, Mixicat meowed something similar to the word “MOM?! MOOOOOMMMMM??” over and over, making me question my sanity and this moment even more. That night, I put the test in an envelope addressed in fake old lady handwriting to my husband and left it on the counter for him to find. When he opened it … Continue reading

Hello, Baby Boy!

I have a few seconds to blog that I’ll never get back again if I don’t take advantage, so here are some pictures of our (very hairy) newborn boy! Meet John. Go ahead and tell me that heartburn and hairy-born babies is just a wives’ tale. I’m not inclined to believe you, as I may have the hairiest kid on the planet (since my own birth short years ago) and I complained more of heartburn than has any pregnant woman ever known. Somehow, he has darker … Continue reading

39 weeks: The final mugshot? Please?

Here’s hoping these are the last bump selfies you need to see of mine. As noted on the Instagram version of this picture, Casey has been following me around non-stop. This isn’t totally unusual as she’s a big needy dog, but it’s definitely been amplified this last bunch of months. Junior does not seem to know anything’s different, except that he no longer dares to jump up on me with his giant paws. This week I’ve been making a lot of progress with Fitbit. I’m … Continue reading

39 weeks: Here’s the nursery!

I honestly didn’t think we would get this far into the pregnancy. Boy is estimated to be 8lbs as of last week (though I know that could easily vary… I’m a house now, so I believe it’s that much or heavier). It’s possible he might be late. This kid hates our wintry spring as much as I do. Today is milder, so there might be hope. Here are some pictures of our nursery. My niece came over with some cute outfits and other baby-related stuff … Continue reading

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