
It’s Gasoline Price Hike Season again, and I will never, ever understand why there are regulations on the sale of just about everything, except for gas, which gets to be whatever price the oil giants want it to be, even though it should really be about 20-25 cents less per litre than we’re paying. I made a surprisingly good Earl Grey tea just now. Although I don’t like the tone in which this article is written, you get the gist. Basically, Governor General Michaelle Jean … Continue reading

Carpus Maximus

I was standing at the gas pump at 7-Eleven just now, noticing my transaction was only up to about $3 when I’d been standing there for about as many minutes. An old man staggered out of the store and walked toward his car, looking at me rather suspiciously, as if to want to ask something. I said to him, “Did you find the pump was really slow?” Suddenly, gas station chaos ensued. Voices from behind every pump started cursing the crawling rate of gasoline flow. … Continue reading

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