Happy Belated, Canada!

I wore red yesterday, so for balance, here’s some blue. Share the post “Happy Belated, Canada!” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
I wore red yesterday, so for balance, here’s some blue. Share the post “Happy Belated, Canada!” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Just thought I would share the strange thing we found on a drive earlier tonight. Those (us) nutty Canadians. What is the significance here? Share the post “Bra Tree …?” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Hey Canada. It’s time to eat shit. Everybody: We couldn’t take a half hour out of the two months advance notice we had before election day to summarize our beliefs in accordance with a party to prepare ourselves to vote? Or maybe Say Yes to the Dress ran another marathon today. Had I known, that would’ve kept me home the 10 minutes it took me to drive to vote and come home. And might I say, thank you to all the senior citizens who were clearly the … Continue reading
When this whole Vancouver 2010 thing started, it was greeted by polar opposites: Olympic hysteria, and the Olympic hate-on. I’ll be honest. I didn’t care at first. I didn’t understand why some people would buy three (3) toques with the Vancouver 2010 logo on them for $24.99 apiece. (Okay, I still don’t.) I had no plans to join any ‘BOYCOTT TEH OLYMPICS ZOMG!!1’ Facebook groups, but I wasn’t planning on watching any of it. Somewhere down the line, it reeled me in. I think the … Continue reading
Canada Day was a big hit! Must bike more often. Much more fun and much less expensive than driving aimlessly. And my legs feel a bit toned. Heavens! So, I keep learning terrible words in Hungarian. The only wholesome ones I think I know are the ones for cat, dog, dad and mom. But even “mom” can be turned into “your mom”. Time to get serious! Seniors will filter into my work tonight and complain that there is no freebie for them if they spend … Continue reading
It’s Gasoline Price Hike Season again, and I will never, ever understand why there are regulations on the sale of just about everything, except for gas, which gets to be whatever price the oil giants want it to be, even though it should really be about 20-25 cents less per litre than we’re paying. I made a surprisingly good Earl Grey tea just now. Although I don’t like the tone in which this article is written, you get the gist. Basically, Governor General Michaelle Jean … Continue reading
If you want to hear a podcast interview of a guy who reminded me a lot of Bob Dylan long before he even started talking about Bob Dylan in this interview, give this a listen. I like Jason Collett as a musician, but trust me: No one who grew up in Bramalea is going to have an accent like that. Anyway, he really is an enjoyable Canadian musician when he’s not talking. Share the post “Bring on the Blue Sky” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Fuck Canada! No wait, I meant GM. GM, yes. I agree with Canada on this one. But yeah let’s not get political or anything. Share the post “The fans were none too pleased with Canada today…” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Hello waste of time and taxpayers’ money minority-government from yesterday back again today, hello! Today I was wondering where this jerk, who always bought a lot of lottery and was always a dick to everyone he talked to at my store, had been lately. Well, it turns out, sometimes bad people die. Disorienting though, since he didn’t seem unhealthy, just rude and mean-spirited and self-absorbed and in love with spending money on the hope that he might one day actually win money. (To buy friends?) … Continue reading