I got Blinky yesterday after resigning myself to the fact that my angelfish probably isn’t going to die any time soon, and as such, he probably isn’t going to start licking the algae he and his surroundings produce off the side of the aquarium. According to the place I bought him, Blinky is a ‘rubber lip’, which sounds kind of mafia-esque. He eats algae, and he does it quite well.
Thing is, since I got him, the dirt has dramatically disappeared, which is great, but I’ve seen Blinky about twice; the rest of the times I’ve looked for him (which are a bunch, I can assure you), I have come up short. He has a real knack for hiding in a place virtually unhide-in-able.
I have to give this guy some credit. When he does come out, I’m never around, and he does a hell of a job wiping the glass of his co-dweller’s filth. He’s like a phantom. A phantom who is really efficient at tidying up something I have no willingness whatsoever to do myself.
Oh and the free iced coffee from Tim Hortons (today only, from 12pm-5pm) went down smooth. Much better than McDonalds’ iced coffee from days of yore (or two years ago when it premiered, anyhow, which is the last time I tried it).
In other news, job hunting? Not going so well! Are we shocked? I’m just plain shocked.