
A man vomiting is the single most awful thing a woman can be subject to hearing, as I learned last night.  Miklos is suffering from Man Flu. Based on symptoms given, a woman would diagnose the same ailment in herself as acid reflux.  In fact, the same pizza I ate last night had the dramatic effects of heartburn which I know and am thereby bored of so easily.

At any rate, hopefully that’s all it was.  Pepto seemed to soften the cries of the dying man on my couch so I have hope.

And now, to make you feel a whole lot better about this thing, I present to you some funny:

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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