More outdoor mealtime was had tonight. Grilled corn on the cob spiced with chili powder. Delicious!
After dinner the task was to install the new and as yet un-torn top of the gazebo. This challenge was accepted and abandoned with the realization that there is no way the thing goes on without even a bit of tearing. During our hmming and hawing, two doors west, a dad fiddling with something in his driveway was saying to his daughter “there must be a wire disconnected or something,” and three doors east, there was tell from a guy on the roof to his friend of “even bigger problems”. Everyone around us had something in common. We were outside, and it was grouching the lot of us right up.
Meanwhile, it was gorgeous out!
Humans, we, as a species, are such idiots. There’s always something to grumble about, even when we’re enjoying ourselves. Let’s just accept that we’re a bunch of slightly more-advanced apes and love getting sunburned in mid-March like we should. And by the way, it hasn’t been this hot in March here in Welland for a hundred years.