Necessary Halloween Pets Post

Happy Halloween! Eat some (safe) treats! Share the post “Necessary Halloween Pets Post” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Happy Halloween! Eat some (safe) treats! Share the post “Necessary Halloween Pets Post” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Ranting aside, it’s a nice day for Halloween. Not raining, not snowing, just a slight chill to the air, and I’m wearing some orange and a pair of Halloween socks. I think the orange and black spirit would love me today. Wish us luck with Casey and Rico not flying out the door tonight when the kids come to gather their treats. Share the post “Halloween!” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
There’s a part of me that believes that by attempting to include everyone in our Halloween celebrations by calling it something else, we are also sort of segregating them. We’ve all heard about Holiday Trees by now, and surely we’ve heard or even some of us given a rant or two about them. I am not a big Christmas fan until about the week of, because I work with the public and I see the gruesome commercial side of it (which ironically is my living, … Continue reading
Ah, the struggle of being someone who used to read. I have a great costume idea (mainly because I love the character and because I look exactly as she is described, but probably less voluptuous… although they never describe that part, so I’d be safe there). The only thing is, no one freaking reads anymore, or even 10 years ago, so my idea is probably going to require a lot of ‘splainin’ to the tune of “huh?” responses. And I’m not trying to sound superior, … Continue reading