Music Heals Your Soul, the Universe and a Waterfall with a Rainbow

With regards to my post the other day, I got my friggin’ wedding dress.  Unsure of why exactly, but I’ve been feeling like a rotten old bag of throw-up ever since.  Maybe because this signifies that we are in PLAN IT ALL NOW OR SUICIDE YOURSELF mode.  I am the worst planner of all things.  I am actually better on my feet than if I rehearse 100x.  I hate taking control and I like when everyone plans things for me.  Unfortunately, we are BrokeBank Mountain … Continue reading

Comma Chameleon

A girl I know suggested The Brides’ Project, a “no bullshit” place for shopping for wedding dresses.  I agree wholeheartedly with the idea of this.  The gowns are donated about 2/3 of them brand new by their partners and about a third by brides, therefor able to be price-capped, and then the money the bride pays goes to cancer charities.  We’ll be heading there this weekend (with any driving luck) to check some out and hopefully find the dress of my dreams.  This one: Damn … Continue reading

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