Time to Re-Dye, Peeps

Awful brown rainbow hair braided to hippie mess perfection fun. (A Japanese novella title?) Share the post “Time to Re-Dye, Peeps” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Awful brown rainbow hair braided to hippie mess perfection fun. (A Japanese novella title?) Share the post “Time to Re-Dye, Peeps” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Got a little braidy toward the bottom somehow, but this works. Share the post “My Arms Hurt Now” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Just posting this here to remind myself that I might want bangs again. Don’t let me do it, my friends. Share the post “The Bangs Debate” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Today while almost being late for work, I came up with this little doozy. As has always been my opinion, the best part of having long hair is the ability to pull it back as if it’s short again. Such a nuisance. As described on my Flickr page, I have never seen anyone else do this, so I’m calling it the Pocket Flip (TM/patent pending). Share the post “Jack of All Trades, Master of None” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
I kind of miss taking pictures like this. Maybe I should crack out the ol’ Canon again (speaking of things I never thought I’d do anymore). Also, this is bad news, but I went through a bunch of my old pictures and realized the funkiness of shorter hair suits me so much better than my crazy long hair of this era. Shorter funkier hair could look good at a wedding, right? I’ve always thought it was stupid to grow hair out for a wedding because … Continue reading
There’s an old wives’ tale that if you have a lot of heartburn during pregnancy, your kid will come out with a full mop of hair. Well, turns out it’s true. Need backup? It’s true here too. With the amount of heartburn I get on a regular, un-pregnant basis, I will probably end up with a little gorilla one day. That said, Dan, you can visit any time you want. Share the post “It’s a blog-eat-blog world out there” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Hello waste of time and taxpayers’ money minority-government from yesterday back again today, hello! Today I was wondering where this jerk, who always bought a lot of lottery and was always a dick to everyone he talked to at my store, had been lately. Well, it turns out, sometimes bad people die. Disorienting though, since he didn’t seem unhealthy, just rude and mean-spirited and self-absorbed and in love with spending money on the hope that he might one day actually win money. (To buy friends?) … Continue reading
That’s it. I’m going to get laser hair removal. It’s actually really, really inexpensive, and it’s done by the same guy who rid me of pimples (for the most part) for the rest of my life. I consider him a wizard. While I don’t agree with the amount of Botox injections he performs per year, I’m kind of cool with paying him a small fee to never again have to stress that I wore a short-sleeved shirt (an SSS) when I probably shouldn’t have. I … Continue reading
I got my hair did. Finally. I will never have a straight woman do it again because the guy who did my hair was a genius and all the women I’ve had do my hair nearly always screwed it up. Paying twice the amount that you normally pay for a haircut sometimes works out exceptionally well. On a completely unrelated note, please visit this website and listen to Ben Folds’ cover of “Bitches Ain’t Shit” if you haven’t to date. If you have, it’s still … Continue reading
I want to cut my hair. At the moment, though, it looks really, really, really, really good. So maybe if I nap on my hair before I go outside from now on, I will not want to cut it anymore. I miss it being short and ruly manageable. Also, when it’s short and wavy (meaning, I don’t take the time to straighten it, thus burning the shit out of it), it looks nicer than it does now. Oh fuck it, I’ll just get it cut. … Continue reading