Star of Wonder

Only half our latest string of lights is working. This is the way I’m trending lately. I buy a string of Christmas lights, half of them explode. It’s happened now for half the lights on our tree at my apartment, and now that I strung some lights around the window at Miklos’s, half seem to have died there too. Strange phenomenon. I just drank some Dr. Pepper because I bought a bottle for 99 cents, and even though I don’t like pop most of the … Continue reading

Sexual Healing

Today: Car battery died today before I left for school, so I took the bus instead, despite the fact that it would mean disrupting the class when I walked in 15 minutes after it started. Better late than never, I thought to myself. (See also, in Nikki’s strikeout mantras: You have to spend money to make money!, and Think positive!, and You can’t make your candle brighter by blowing out someone else’s flame.) So I hop on Pop the bus and things are going good. … Continue reading

Ah, Bathfitter. I forgot my shower puff at the other place. I’ll have to get that tomorrow. These sunglasses were never meant to be. The first time I lost the arm to them, it was for two or three months, maybe more, and I found it in a purse the other day. Wore them today, and fucking lost the arm again when the glasses fell off on the bus. FUCK, I hate how much I loved those sunglasses. There’s no getting the arm back this … Continue reading

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