I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.

DIY: Extra-sensitive skin baby wipes

DIY Make-at-home baby wipes for extra-sensitive skin! No more diaper rash.

  I don’t know of many young ones who get diaper rash every time a regular baby wipe is used, but darn it if we didn’t end up with just such a baby boy. Our first plan of action was Pampers Sensitive Skin wipes. They’re a bit pricier per unit, but you do what you have to do to avoid a red butt on your kid. Sadly, those still seemed to irritate the boy’s skin. Thankfully, before our son was even born I’d found a great post about … Continue reading

DIY: Plastic bag holder

Plastic bag holder/dispenser

Hi! I’m here! It took 3 weeks, but we now have internet. It’s cellular and has upload and download limits from 2002 but, luckily, Bell Fibe internet is coming to our street. We’ll be kissing these cellular butts goodbye soon, with any luck, and for a ridiculous cancellation fee that — unfortunately — will be totally worth it. Yesterday morning after the husband and son headed off to the farmer’s market, I had some strange inspiration. Since moving in, plastic bags have had no place. (This is true in our environment, too, which is why … Continue reading

John’s 1st birthday party!

Smash cake in waiting.

It’s been [almost!] a whole year since John became the center of our world. It really did fly by, considering the long and agonizing nights, as well as the routines we had to establish to avoid said nights. What a year. I’m convinced we lucked out in the baby department — aside from how terrible I was at adapting to lack of sleep. In two days, this guy turns a whole year old. We made it! It feels that way, anyhow, even though I know … Continue reading

How we treated our dog’s nasodigital hyperkeratosis — wait, what?

hyperkeratosis dog paws, almost feathery in texture

I thought to write this since as an animal-lover, finding a solution to our woof’s problem lifted such a weight off my back. Hopefully it helps someone else’s puppy out too. A few weeks ago, Casey started limping. We first assumed it was a pulled muscle since she does this often up north when she runs around. She had been roughhousing (ruff-housing?) in the snow a lot with Junior. After a few days it hadn’t resolved itself though. I checked her paws quickly and they seemed a bit cracked. … Continue reading

DIY: Crib Rail Cover

I recently learned that I am raising a gerbil: I’m open-minded and an animal lover so this would have been fine, until I read one comment on a forum where someone said her kid chipped his tooth gnawing a crib rail. That and I don’t like my young boy eating paint. I needed a cover! I decided to use fleece (it’s cushy on the chompers) but wasn’t sure on just tying it on. Could he pull it up with his little bunny teeth (switching rodents), … Continue reading

Wow! Old Dresser to DIY Vintage Bench Pinned 2000 times!

DIY vintage bench from old dresser

Awoke to see that our old beat-up dresser to pretty vintage bench post has reached 2000 pins on Pinterest! UPDATE: 3000+ a week and a half later! :O Thank you thank you thank you! That makes me very happy! And to think we found it for free on the side of the road. Best! Soon I want to make a simple upholstered bench out of an old coffee table we have for the foot of the bed or even for our small entryway. More on that after… And … Continue reading

One year ago today, my life changed.

John at 20 weeks old

Last August 19th, I found out my life was changing forever. I sat in disbelief, spouting happy obscenities to myself as I stared at a plus sign. From behind a closed door, Mixicat meowed something similar to the word “MOM?! MOOOOOMMMMM??” over and over, making me question my sanity and this moment even more. That night, I put the test in an envelope addressed in fake old lady handwriting to my husband and left it on the counter for him to find. When he opened it … Continue reading

Been a month! Time to blog.

So, life is busy. For now, the DIYs are cut back because there is rarely a moment where I get time to open my laptop, let alone process pictures or post anything other than a Facebook status. (That stuff is usually done on my phone anyway.) However! When I do get some time, I will have a few goodies. Rit Dye is sending me some dye and fixative, which was a cool surprise via Twitter. So it’s almost time to dye (again)! So that’s one … Continue reading

Hello, Baby Boy!

I have a few seconds to blog that I’ll never get back again if I don’t take advantage, so here are some pictures of our (very hairy) newborn boy! Meet John. Go ahead and tell me that heartburn and hairy-born babies is just a wives’ tale. I’m not inclined to believe you, as I may have the hairiest kid on the planet (since my own birth short years ago) and I complained more of heartburn than has any pregnant woman ever known. Somehow, he has darker … Continue reading

How life has changed!

Oh hey, I became a mom. Our son was born weighing 8lbs, 3oz and measuring 21″ long. He is the most precious little monkey I have ever seen. We love him more than we ever knew was possible. I’ll add a picture of the little guy to this post when I am on the computer again. And I’ll update my header image one day when I’m not mobile-blogging, by the way. For now, please be patient while I mom around for a while, and read … Continue reading

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