Labour Relations is among the most boring things I’ve ever studied, and I haven’t even opened the textbook yet. It’s going to be a long summer. One week and two days til I’m heading North. Share the post “Ew.” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Labour Relations is among the most boring things I’ve ever studied, and I haven’t even opened the textbook yet. It’s going to be a long summer. One week and two days til I’m heading North. Share the post “Ew.” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
When it’s supposed to rain, it never pours. Good thing, at that. A sunny Friday off is a nice switch. Share the post “Canada Day Weekend, Sorta” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
I’ve been stupid for a long time. There’s no denying that. For a long time I thought it was due to secondhand (and once, firsthand) inhalation of pot smoke. I thought it might have instilled in me whatever the young person’s version of Alzheimers is, because my attention span became next to nil. And because a man of science insisted to me (many times over) that even smoking it once can cause the brain to function differently. Even today, just over two years later … … Continue reading
Sometimes I read the blogs of people I don’t know who my friends know. I think this makes me a giant pervert. Or maybe just a retaliator because they did it first. Whatever the case, I am nearly always hilarious. On a similar note, I must always be kept busy. If I am already busy, I need to be kept busier. There is no such thing as too busy until my brain explodes one day, from what, I will not try and guess. I like … Continue reading
Oh wow, yeah. I didn’t update in 4 days. Surprised no one held a memorial service.Between writing my own HR assistant job description for Goran’s company in a somewhat pathetic attempt at graduating college and all this rainy weather (which, aside from being bad for taking pictures, I actually love), I plum forgot about you, Dan. Well, I didn’t. I just forgot to write. In light of this, I encourage my two other readers who are registered to comment, to write a brief (or very … Continue reading
As I open my email to see if Monster JobSearch Agent has found me any new Restaurant Manager “jobs matching my criteria”, (ultimately matching none of the criteria I’ve listed at all,) I come to a realization. I’m at my wit’s end, my breaking point, the point where it occurs to me that “Hm, yes, I do believe I need a break.” That’s it. I am slotting my vacation. One week of Mother Nature, cottage living, and, thus, the absence of most modern technologies I’m … Continue reading
I want to see this. And I could spend all day commentating on these classic moments in live music history. Just so you know, my favourite reactions out of this bunch are: Maynard Josh Homme (not so much for the swearing but for being sick and still playing a show while some idiot chucks stuff at him) Axl Rose (wtf was that??) Angus Young Honorable mention to Dave Grohl for looking so upset for his friend and immediately jumping off the drums when Kurt Cobain … Continue reading
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Best review I’ve read in a while. Share the post “Prevention is key.” FacebookXShare… Continue reading
Returned all the clothes I bought last week, save for the two I was unsure of at first, which ended up being my favourites. Bought little black dress to replace them, as well as pashmina and necklace. Did laundry. Got rained on in St. Catharines, as per the daily agenda. I’m not doing my hair anymore, and I’m barely attempting makeup. F that. It’s summer. This is supposed to be my vacation. Speaking of, I think I’m giving up on the whole co-op idea soon. … Continue reading