How to Have a Nice Day

Wake up the day after a shitty yesterday which was, at its end, erased by your boy, cool friends, and just two drinks of Moosehead. Have money in your pocket for a coffee for your drive to work for a very short shift. Share the post “How to Have a Nice Day” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

Turning a blind eye to science. (See what I did there?)

A blind woman is able to see again after having a tooth and part of her cheek lining implanted in her eye. Of course, the operation has been referred to as ‘disfiguring’ (I guess there’s no real happy medium), but given the choice, I think I’d take sight again over my own vanity. Chances are she couldn’t apply makeup all that great before the surgery anyhow. There’s always sunglasses. Amazing though, isn’t it? [Article here] Share the post “Turning a blind eye to science. (See … Continue reading

You know maps are antiquated when…

I had a pretty good day. It started off with missing class and ended off with a silly prank and a skinny Avondale kid awkwardly reading off a map and making the lot of us laugh at his nerdiness. [Ah, so much you would’ve enjoyed. Why does everything strike me that way now?] The test went great. At least I plan to think so until I get the results back. And I got 100% on an assignment from last week. And I think I’m going … Continue reading

There’s no day like a snow day

Due to “treacherous” driving conditions today, I decided to stay home. One of two of my classes was cancelled because the prof didn’t want us to die on our way in, so I figured that was enough. I mean, added to the fact that I didn’t really feel like going in the first place. Ah, sweet apathy. The day off was even more a blessing because it means 1) my first day of school isn’t until the Thursday of the first week back, and 2) … Continue reading


Whenever people meet me, and subsequently meet my blog, they try blogging. It’s this thing they do. And no one ever has the staying power. And lately, I, too, am losing my lustre. When life gets happy, the stories, they get boring. But worry not, kids. I’ll be back in school in just two short months, and as such, I’ll be as miserable and tormented as ever before! There are people who blog about 80x a week, out there. Why do people want to read … Continue reading

I Can’t Get Behind That

I can’t get behind: 13 cent jump overnight at the pumps for no reason Cogeco Cable (both television AND internet) Kim Mitchell Sarah Palin getting a cold summer ending I can get behind: Corner Gas tea selling textbooks for MONEY rainy days having my student debt reduced; hey hey hey! FudgeeOs wearing jackets again being done the last essay of my boring Labour Relations class Share the post “I Can’t Get Behind That” FacebookXShare… Continue reading


Okay, my room is fucking haunted. While moving some things on my bed (I had been unpacking) just now, I found the missing arm piece of the sunglasses; the very piece which I lost on the bus the other day. Why this doesn’t make sense in terms of reality: When the sunglasses originally fell off, I grabbed them from behind the seat they fell, without looking at them, and got off the bus As soon as the exit door closed, I looked in my hand … Continue reading

The Past, Never Was

It will be so nice. In fact, it is so nice. I have a smart boyfriend, a couple of really good friends (another of whom is moving away), a barrage of people to socialize with and never really commit to, coffee can be mixed with hot chocolate and milk, and money isn’t so tight. All I need’s a new job and to pretend the negative aspects of school (i.e., one bothersome girl) never happened. Then read a Discover magazine and possibly some fiction; maybe take … Continue reading

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