Some guys have all the luck

Third picture from the left is mine. Yay. Gotta help the gambling community out wherever I can, you know. Check out the first picture too, although it’s not to my credit. I love when they move the falls behind the casino in the summertime… Share the post “Some guys have all the luck” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

So. I’m doing a review for a test I have tomorrow and I’ve hit a roadblock. Oh, ok, I found it now. This might as well have been Twittered, for all anyone will care. Hey, I took a bunch of pictures this weekend, many of which I haven’t uploaded yet… but also, many of which I have. Go look if you’re bored (be sure to click page 2 as well). [Aside: When Flickr people add me who have displayed photos they took of the corpse … Continue reading

You can be an asshole too!

Do not: Tell me the whole grain bread you have is on sale when I know it’s not, and then ask me in an old Italian man accent “Why your computers not updated for the sale?” and then look caught in a lie when my coworker comes back and says “It was another kind of bread, not this one”, and then do not hand me an unsigned credit card to pay for the substitute sale bread (and your various other sale items) and then get … Continue reading


A photo of mine has been featured in a slideshow in an article, along with some many others. I am very proud of myself for this tiny, almost unnoticeable triumph. Share the post “Congratulations!” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

Angry, angry, angry. Hot chocolate isn’t helping. Nothing truly bad even happened. This is all a product of the last week of the month. Oh, and that must mean tomorrow is Seniors Day. Why not! Come one, come all. Jesse taught me how to do HDR shots yesterday. Then I taught my Nana. It’s not fair that whenever I try to read, I fall asleep. Something must be seriously wrong with my health (for the past 12 years). Share the post “” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

"Finding happiness in failure": The opposite of "talking shit about a pretty sunset."

Oh hi. If you’ve just found me now, well I sure am good at keeping secrets. Or, as it were, at eventually disclosing them. Yet another thing I’m good at is failing miserably at interviewing for jobs. I also succeed at accepting the rejection calls the HR directors (or their lackeys) make to me shortly after. I’ve got to hand it to them; at least they’re prompt with their rejection. Which reminds me, I’ve got an interview tomorrow. And I’m learning things. You know, just … Continue reading

Taking a break from the 3 projects I have on the go to say…

Hey, look! I’m famous on a website that no one knows of yet! A month ago, I received an email telling me I’d been shortlisted, and today my photo (which I never submitted, but which was found on my Flickr) was picked to represent Niagara Falls. Weird! I got some amazing photos this weekend, including some amazing pictures of some deer about a kilometer from the highway I was on. My zoom is amazing!!! I’ll upload them one day when I get some time again. … Continue reading

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