Fly Trapped in a Jar

It’s gorgeous outside but my toes are freezing indoors with the window open. It’s spring jacket weather. These are special times. I’m beginning to think that I just wasn’t meant to understand Chapters 5 and 6 of Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business. I’ve tried all week to pay some kind of mind to either the book or the related slides, and I just can’t process. It’s confusing and boring, and really rather useless to whatever it is I’ll go into, seeing as I doubt I’ll … Continue reading

I don’t know, Ron. That sounds a little crazy.

Yeah so I should really take a couple days out of having fun per week to do assignments and homework. Life is not supposed to be this good, apparently, at least not while you’re in school for less than one more month. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I’ve been at it for two days straight and I am still way, way behind. …Ew. This guy on House is not pretty. Brazil nuts, eh? So yeah, Twitter is the latest distraction for just about everyone. Texting the very latest thought … Continue reading

I’m a strong dead man who’s only looking out for himself

Well, I just heard it on the old cabbagey-smelling bus ride home and decided. The song to start springtime is unofficially: Tuff Ghost by the Unicorns I need a workplace Health & Safety related topic to write a paper on! I’ve got no idea what to write about, and I need something with kind of a narrow scope… the kind of narrow that still fits into five (5) pages worth of writing. Suggestions, plz. Off to enjoy spring! Share the post “I’m a strong dead … Continue reading

Thumbs up thumbs down

I had a dream I was wearing paper towel pajama pants. It wasn’t too bad. Super absorbent. These sunny days are a nice change of pace. Thirty-two days and I’m done with this shitty school situation forever! YAY! Cheers to this site, which transforms my Flickr photos into a sleek looking layout. It makes everything look good! And jeers to this rusty tailgate… Share the post “Thumbs up thumbs down” FacebookXShare… Continue reading

A funny thing happened on the way to the crazy house…

Dan has returned. I like when he blogs and you should too, because he is a real laugh riot. No, I mean that. Go read it or I stab you. Man, I’ve got nothing to say to this blog lately. Except that things are falling into place and school’s almost done. Can’t wait. I’m reading Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs on the suggestion of someone I go to school with, which is amazing, because who knew business students could read, let alone read what turn … Continue reading

Meh, gotta nuke something.

I smell food and now I’m hungry. I have so much reviewing to do tonight, as well as a presentation to memorize, which just isn’t going to happen, really. Worked and reviewed all weekend. Oh well! I never wanted a life anyway. Oh, and I think my dad finally believes me that the car needs serious help. It may have stalled on him 80 times in the process of him driving it to their place to get it looked at tomorrow. I’ll have to ask. … Continue reading

Worst. Education. Ever.

Not that anyone who reads this will ever want to go into HR (especially now), but word to the wise, I really should’ve taken this program instead of the one I took at Niagara College which was comprised of NO electives and forced me and my schooltime chums into wasting a lot of our lives with such bullshit courses as Personal & Professional Development (AKA Teacher Forces You to Talk About Your Feelings Even Though Businesspeople Have No Feelings 101) and Management Principles (AKA Let’s … Continue reading

Today was a nice taste of springtime in February. Temporary, yet so very right. I got to remember what it was like to wear a jacket instead of a coat. Amazing. I got to walk around on the snowless sidewalks wearing flats and no socks. The best! I can’t wait for this to be all the time again. And if snow is so deadly, why does it only take a little warmth to zap it all away? You have to hate the irony of that. … Continue reading

You know maps are antiquated when…

I had a pretty good day. It started off with missing class and ended off with a silly prank and a skinny Avondale kid awkwardly reading off a map and making the lot of us laugh at his nerdiness. [Ah, so much you would’ve enjoyed. Why does everything strike me that way now?] The test went great. At least I plan to think so until I get the results back. And I got 100% on an assignment from last week. And I think I’m going … Continue reading

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